Trading carries inherent risks, and the majority of day traders incur losses. All content presented is hypothetical, chosen after the fact, to illustrate our Services and should not be interpreted as financial advice. Decisions to buy, sell, hold, or trade securities, commodities, and other investments entail risk and are ideally made with guidance from qualified financial experts. Past performance does not ensure future outcomes. The potential for loss in trading can be significant, so it’s essential to assess whether such activities align with your financial situation.

Hypothetical & Simulated Performance Disclaimer

Hypothetical or simulated performance results have limitations; unlike actual trading, simulated results do not reflect real trading. Additionally, since the trades were not executed, the results may have over- or under-compensated for certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated trading programs are also influenced by hindsight. There is no guarantee that any account will achieve profits or losses similar to those shown.


Testimonials featured on this website may not represent the experiences of other clients or customers, and do not guarantee future performance or success. Trading results depicted in testimonials are not verified, and we cannot confirm that individual experiences are typical, as results vary due to factors such as skill, risk management, and experience. Trading is inherently risky, and losses can occur.

As providers of technical analysis tools for charting platforms, we do not have access to our customers’ personal trading accounts or brokerage statements. Therefore, we cannot assess whether our customers perform better or worse than traders as a whole based on the content or tools we provide.

LogsAlgo Is Not An Investment Adviser

LogsAlgo is not registered as an investment adviser with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Instead, LogsAlgo operates under the “publisher’s exclusion” from the definition of “investment adviser” as provided under Section 202(a)(11)(D) of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 and corresponding state laws. Therefore, LogsAlgo does not offer personalized investment advice.

Any content, material, information, or other informational offerings published on this website or associated platforms that may be considered “investment advice” are impersonal and not tailored to the investment needs of any specific individual. The information provided on this website and associated platforms is for informational and educational purposes only.

This information should not be interpreted as investment or trading advice and should not be considered a solicitation or recommendation to buy, sell, or hold any positions in any indices or financial markets mentioned. The content and information provided by LogsAlgo, the website, and the services offered by LogsAlgo are solely incidental to LogsAlgo’s business and activities in providing educational tools for technical analysis.

Informational & Educational Purposes Only

LogsAlgo and the tools provided do NOT offer or provide personalized investment advice. The tools, scanners, data, content, and information offered are impersonal and not tailored to meet the investment needs of any individual. Therefore, they are provided solely for informational and educational purposes.

The tools and scanners LogsAlgo offers are designed to assist you in researching and evaluating securities based on your individual criteria and inputs, which are controlled and entered solely by you. However, the use of these tools and scanners does not guarantee any specific or predictable results and should not be the sole basis for any investment decision or transaction. Relying solely on these tools, scanners, or any associated data, content, or information for investment decisions is done at your own risk, and you acknowledge that you are solely responsible for your investment research and decisions.

LogsAlgo does not provide legal, tax, estate planning, or accounting advice, nor does it offer advice on the suitability, profitability, or appropriateness of any security, investment, financial product, investment strategy, or other matter for you. Therefore, the data, content, and information within the tools and scanners should not be construed as investment or trading advice, and should not be considered a solicitation or recommendation to buy, sell, or hold any positions in any securities or engage in any other transaction.

TradingView Disclosure

The charts utilized on this site are powered by TradingView, the platform upon which our tools are constructed.

TradingView® is a registered trademark of TradingView, Inc. www.TradingView.com. TradingView is not associated with the owner, developer, or provider of the Services detailed here, nor does it have any stake, ownership, or involvement in any product or service mentioned herein. TradingView does not endorse or recommend any such product or service.